
Are you depressed? When physical symptoms point toward depression.


Check out this helpful slide show about depression and how physical symptoms like pain, sleeplessness, irritability can be caused by depression. Going into the winter months be prepared to fight depression, eat well, exercise and be at peace with yourself and others.


Gloria Allred puts to test the NFL’s abuse pledge.


If left to Gloria Allred, her client will see justice. The NFL’s abuse pledge to women puts it all out in the open. It’s about time, players have gotten away with abusing their women far too long. No longer will the NFL sweep it under their astroturf rug.
I think it’s time for Gloria Allred to be nominated to the CNN Hero’s.
Now every sport should follow suit. Stop the abuse of women by men who know better. A man’s too big, a man’s too strong.
Now women have people like Gloria to stand up to the male chovinism.


My new paperback book “The Eve Chronicles” by Diane DeVillers


Stem Cell Research hopeful for cure for Multiple Sclerosis


By taking a person;s own stem cells from their bone marrow and erasing their own immune system, they can reintroduce the stem cells back into the person’s system and could start a process to repair the damage in the brain caused by MS

Now mind you , erasing your immune system in the first place can be cause for concern, but if it meant that when you reintroduce the person’s own bone marrow back into their body, there is a hope that a cure for MS is not far behind.

For the hundreds of thousands of people who are affected by MS in the USA, this is a hopeful discovery.


A song for MS, a musician challenge to raise awareness for Multiple Sclerosis


Started by my beloved, is a challenge site called “A song for MS” on facebook. Where musicians challenge other musicians to post a song then challenge three others. All to raise awareness to people who have MS. Musicians are responding from all over the world. Check out their posts. If you feel so inclined you can donate to the National MS Society and mention A song for MS.


Women owned Business increase to 30 percent in USA


Thirty percent of American businesses are women owned and its increasing. Showing that #empoweringwomenandgirls pays off in the long run.

So young women get your ducks in a row and get the training, education and apprentices going because you have lots of competition.

This goes out to Lady Santo”s who has her eye on women around the globe.


#Zelda WIlliams says goodbye to her father

Zelda, thanks for sharing your dad’s story. He will be missed, he gave a lot of joy to people, he made them laugh. I can’t imagine how you are greiving right now. Just know that a stranger cares about how you are doing.
Reach out to others,
